Thursday, November 06, 2008

I Am America Too

I've always known that I am America too, but it's been something that I felt the need to fight for. Various situations have made it painfully clear that others didn't see me the way they saw their perception of the "average American woman." I have been called alot of names and told to go a number of places that have alot to do with my color and race and the speakers ignorance. In high school sitting in the back of my civics class one girl told me to go back to Somalia where I came from. It didn't crush my spirit (though it obviously stuck with me) because my mother had made sure that we where educated about where we came frome. So I preceded to share that knowledge with her (as I understood it at the time).

"I was born on American soil, and as the decedents of slaves, I have no way of knowing exactly which country I come from. But the sin of my country gives me a right because a great of deal of America's wealth, particularly in the South, was built on the backs of black slaves and therefore I think I will stay, thank you much, but where are from, America like me?" She sighed my name in irritation and never spoke to me like that again.

I am America too.

Today the tears still fall, more than the day before. My country is . . . changing and changing me. I have spent so much of my life trying to change her, as she catches up, maybe I can trust her to change me too.

Father, protect our president and protect his vision.

-N. Fury-
Room For Me

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